Welcome to FORMS!
When your child attends Richmond Methodist School, you automatically become a member of FORMS, (Friends of Richmond Methodist School).
What is FORMS?
FORMS are a group of volunteers that run the PTA and work with school to continue “Doing all the good we can” to benefit RMS Children. FORMS organise events within the school to help raise extra funds for the school’s “wish list”. Events include; discos, film nights, Christmas and summer fairs – which are always a huge success!
Over the last few years FORMS have raised money and generously contributed towards the new playground equipment, reading book scheme, iPads, hall projector, and even funded a full school trip!!!
FORMS usually meet once a term and are always looking for new ideas and helpers. During the first half term of the school year, FORMS hold a PTA AGM where a new committee is elected to run for the whole school year. Invites are posted via the school office and ParentMail and on the RMS PTA FORMS Facebook page.
FORMS can also be contacted via email at: FORMSRMS@yahoo.co.uk.
If you think you could help FORMS in anyway, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Everyone is welcome!