School Reports

Ofsted Report

We are a GOOD school! OFSTED, December 2022

Following our OFSTED Inspection on 7th and 8th December 2022, we are absolutely delighted to share the report and confirm that Richmond Methodist School continues to be a GOOD school in ALL areas. This includes our Early Years, which was judged as requiring improvement in our last inspection in 2017.  Click below to read the latest report.

Pupils are proud to attend Richmond Methodist School.

Children in the early years make an impressive start to their learning journey. 


From the early years onwards, reading is of high priority. Across the school, pupils talk with enthusiasm about reading.

This is an inclusive and caring school.  Pupils are eager to share how everyone is equal and valued here. 

Pupils with SEND are well supported in their classroom learning.

Pupils can talk about their knowledge of maths with clarity.

Pupils feel safe… safeguarding is part of everyday life at Richmond Methodist School.

Leaders have developed pupils’ experiences beyond the classroom through a range of extra-curricular activities. Leaders are proud of their personal development offer.  Pupils get the opportunity to explore talents and interests.  

Relationships between staff and pupils are warm and respectful.  Leaders have made relationships across the community an important focus of their work.  In early years, the relationships between adults and pupils are strong. 

Leaders, at all levels, and governors are passionate about the ambition they have for pupils.  The school is led and managed well.  The teaching team work together to help pupils achieve their potential.  

SIAMS Inspection Report

The last National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools was carried out in January 2025.  Please use the link below to download a copy of the report.

DFE School Performance Tables

School Performance Tables as published by the DFE can be found by following this link:


Parent View

Ofsted (the Office for Standards in Education) now have an online questionnaire called ‘Parent View’, which gives you the chance to tell them and us what you think about our school. Parent View asks for your opinion on twelve aspects of our school.

Parent View - Give Ofsted your view on your child's school

We have provided a direct link to Parent View questionnaire from our web site or you can access it at

We encourage all parents / carers to take a few minutes to complete this valuable questionnaire.

You will need an email address and password for the simple log-in process.

This survey is not designed to receive complaints about schools.  If you do have any concerns please share them with us personally so that we can try to resolve them for you quickly.

If you do not have access to a computer and would like to complete the survey, please contact the school office and we will arrange a suitable time to access a school computer.

Schools financial benchmarking

Please follow the link below to compare Richmond Methodist Schools income and expenditure with similar establishments in England.