School uniform items are available to buy online from our supplier School-Shop There is a wide range of items available with the school logo to choose from including a sweatshirt, cardigan, coat, PE hoody and slipover in our school colour (dark green), as well as general items skirt, trousers, shorts, pinafore (which can be dark grey or black) and white shirt (formal or polo shirt). Alternatively, items can also be purchased from other retailers, including the big supermarkets, without the school logo. Good quality, second hand uniform can be purchased from our dedicated FaceBook Page – Richmond Methodist Primary School – Uniform Buy/Sell/Swap page, our Richmond Methodist School Parents Page and from the Influence Church. Children should wear black shoes / boots with secure fastenings. Year 6 pupils may choose to wear a House tie if they wish and these can be purchased online via Arbor.

For PE children need a PE kit to include black shorts, a white T-shirt and plimsolls. For outdoor PE children need trainers and can wear dark grey or black joggers and a dark coloured (preferably dark green) sweatshirt/ hoody .

We are a Forest School and the children will regularly spend time outdoors. They will need appropriate clothing for all weathers to include sun hat / wellingtons / waterproofs. If you do not have waterproofs and are thinking of buying some we recommend this all-in-one type. (Unfortunately this is not available through School-Shop.) Activities could involve getting wet and muddy!

Please remember to clearly label all items of clothing, including shoes, with child’s name and class so that if property is separated from it’s owner they can be re-united quickly.