
Jan Linsley – Chair of Governors

Jan Linsley, joined the Governing Body as a community governor and since 2014 has been a co-opted Governor.  I am currently the Chair of the Governing Body, having been chair of the finance and resources committee in the past.   I have a background in education and have lived and worked in the area since 1996.   I have a keen interest in ensuring all children get the best education they can, and that they enjoy doing so, and believe this will be an asset to the school.

Sharon Stevenson

Sharon Stevenson joined as Headteacher at Richmond Methodist School in September 2019. Please read the Headteachers welcome here

Nicola Scrafton

” I am a senior NHS Physiotherapist specialising in rheumatology.  I am a member of a number of rheumatology and health related groups and am active in the design and implementation of numerous multi-disciplinary, management, training and efficiency initiatives. I am an active member of Richmond Methodist Church with particular involvement in its youth work and worship ministry.  My husband, Matthew grew up in Richmond and is a Solicitor in Teesside. My son has recently joined Richmond Methodist School and my daughter will soon follow him. I am excited to be involved with the governors at Richmond Methodist School and look forward to putting my experiences to use.”

Julie Swinbank

Julie Swinbank is the Staff Governor. Her current role within school is EYFS Lead and R.E. Lead. She is a member of the SLT and has joint responsibility for the school’s P.S.H.E curriculum. Throughout, Julie has attended Governors Meetings as both guest and Staff Governor, continuing to strategically enhance school improvement.

Nickey Hebb

“I am an Associate Governor and have 2 children in the school currently.  I am a Specialist Paramedic and work within the local community.  I am committed to the school and dedicated to making our school a great place for our children to learn.”

Kathleen Bradley

“I’ve lived and worked in Richmond for most of my life, and have two children attending Richmond Methodist.  Having moved my eldest child from another school in early 2018, I have a drive and passion to support the school to provide excellent learning – both academically and socially – for every child in the school.  Having a family business in the town, I was co-opted to join the Governing Board in early 2019 and hope to use my background in communication and business to support the school to achieve it’s vision to provide an outstanding environment for our children to thrive and grow.”

Rev Kathleen Wood - Foundation Governor

It is my real joy to be part of  the Governing body of RMS. Before moving into Richmond in July 2019, I “sat down” (a strange Methodist expression for retiring!) from the “active” Methodist Ministry,  – most recently in Bedale.  Prior to my calling to the Methodist Ministry I had taught in schools for children with Severe, and Profound and Multiple Learning disabilities in North Yorkshire, Manchester, and Birmingham.   My passion is John Wesley’s favourite word “all” –a world where all are valued, cherished, and enabled to be the very best self they can be.  

John Armitage

A parent elected governor who has been a Primary School Headteacher for over a decade with more than twenty years experience working in education across both Durham and Darlington Local Authorities as well as the Academies sector. 

Caroline Dawson

Caroline Dawson joined the Governing Body in September 2021 as a Foundation Governor. Caroline brings a wealth of experience and we are delighted to have her as a Governor here at RMS

Kate Pepperrell

Kate Pepperrell joined the Governing Body in December 2021 as a Parent Governor.

Register Of Interests

Name Category Appointed By Term in Office Committees Currently Serving On Other Positions of Responsibility Business Interests * Relationships  **
Jan Linsley

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor




Performance Management

Leadership & Management,

Safeguarding Link Governor

Jan Linsley Education Consultancy Ltd.

Governor Alwoodley Primary School, Leeds.

Chair, LGB, Hawes Primary School.

Chair, LGB, Northallerton School and Sixth Form College.

Chair of IEB Mill Field Primary School, Leeds.

Nicola Scrafton Co-Vice Chair Circuit



Complaints PHSE & RSE Link Governor None None
Vacancy Co-Vice Chair Vacancy
Kathleen Bradley Co-opted Governor FGB



Performance Management SEND/Inclusion Link Governor Director of Altberg Limited None
Scott Woodhead Co-opted Governor FGB



Health and Safety Link Governor None None
Caroline Dawson Foundation Governor Circuit



None None
Kathleen Wood






PHSE, RSE & Maths Link Governor None None
Nicola Hebb Parent Governor Parents



Safeguarding Link Governor None None
John Armitage Parent Governor Parents



Complaints Quality of Education Link Governor Headteacher at Rydal Academy, Darlington. None
Julie Swinbank Staff Governor Staff



Learning Walks coordination None None
Sharon Stevenson Headteacher N/A N/A None None
Vacancy LEA Governor LA Vacancy
Kate Pepperrell Parent Governor



None None

Friday 11th September 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,  Well – we did it! After six months, our RMS family has been reunited and everywhere we turn, our school is full of happy children – smiling, learning and playing together in their bubbles. I would like to extend a very warm welcome ‘for all,’...

Friday 17th July 2020

Well… we’ve made it to the end of a school year like no other and this year I would like to say a HUGE thank you to you…our amazing parents… our RMS home schooling heroes!  Thank you for all that you have done to support our children and our school in these strange...