PE And Sport Premium For Primary Schools

Click here for the Department of Education link to the Primary School’s Sports Funding page.

What is the Sports Premium?

The Government is providing funding of £150 million per annum to provide new, substantial primary school sport funding’. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.

Purpose of Funding

Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.


Possible uses for the funding include:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE
  • New or additional Change4Life sport clubs
  • Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport
  • Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport
  • Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the school games
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sportProviding places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs


Sport Premium Funding for the academic year 2021-2022

Click here to download spending report

Sport Premium Funding for the academic year 2020-2021

Click here to download spending report

Sport Premium Funding for the academic year 2019-2020

Click here to download spending report

Sport Premium Funding for the academic year 2018-2019

Click here to download spending report

Sport Premium Funding for the academic year 2017-2018

Click here to download spending report

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